We are born, we live our lives, and in the end we die.
These are our lives, every single day since the day we where born,
we spend our days roaming around a tiny speck of space-dust called our little planet Earth.
A tiny ball of dirt, so small compared to the size of our very own Sun that its not even funny!
So to think there's such a vast Universe out there ready to be explored, the only thing our Human rase seem capable of, is finding better and more efficient ways of destroying ourselves as a god damn hobby.
We are born with questions of life, love and death, we know compassion and understanding of each others life and the problems in those lives, yet, it seems that this is something we humans have a hard time accepting as we grow older.
So we are born insane and we grow to become even more so. a prosess of which we repeat every hour of every day in our lives, never really seeing any of the beauty that is all around and inside us, simply because we fear the one thing that we all must face at the end, Our Death. we cherrish and have faith in delutions of an afterlife, God and the general fallacy that we have been created for some purpose in life.
I ask you this.
Who are you?
Who are we?
What makes you think either of us matter?
Do you think we where created? and if so? do you think we have gods that created us?
we're fragile and young creatures of little worth to the universe so far. we have achieved nothing. yes, we learn and we adapt to our ever-changing enviroment. but we never really learn for long enough.
we're too hung up on the idea that we need currency and power to be anything to ever really see beyond our own little ideas that we forget to forge great ideas together.
In the end, I will die, I don't know when, and I don't care when,
Those of us that have accepted our end in life can also see the beauty that comes with death. Our greatest delusion in life as humans is the belief in the immortal afterlife of heaven itself.
No human ever truly lives the lives we were "meant" to live, to live in peace with eachother, to create a great future, and in the end, die. in PEACE...